In the beginning…

Let me begin with a disclaimer: I am new at this blog thing, so bare (bear?) with me!

So, you might have heard… I’m going to Ecuador! If you haven’t, I’M GOING TO ECUADOR!

Instead of spending my last semester student teaching here, I am traveling to Quito, Ecuador in January to begin student teaching there. It started as a dream, and has now become a reality. I continue to teeter between the emotions of excitement and complete anxiety. I am confident that the decision I have made is a good one and this will be one of the best experiences of my life. However, thinking about a 5 hour plane ride, packing for a 4 month trip, and living in a Spanish-speaking country make me very nervous. Not to mention the whole student teaching thing.

I have absolutely no idea what to expect, but am trying to prepare myself the best ways I can. Although, my time is very limited. I am currently observing and teaching full-time at Allatoona Elementary as a TOSS student, which is a good but very tiring experience. I am also working weekends bartending and trying to begin the process of packing to move my stuff back to my parents house. I’ve been reading travel blogs, trying to get a feel of what to expect in this new country and will start learning Spanish as soon as I can find some time.

I want to keep everyone updated on my journey and hope that you will share this experience with me.