
My camera is broken. The lens won’t work because there is sand in the gears. However annoying this may be, I am lucky I didn’t have to go through a robbery to lose my camera. Friday night, two of the girls were robbed walking down the street and had their cash and cameras stolen. It was a wake up call for all of us. We’ve gotten comfortable here, but we need to always be aware of our surroundings. Luckily, all that was taken were materials things and the girls are fine. But I can only imagine the worst part for them wasn’t losing their things, but being taken advantage of in a city that has become our home.

I had planned on buying a new camera when I returned to the states even before I left for this trip. I wanted to use mine in case I was robbed, lost it, dropped it in the ocean, etc. Now I’m not sure if I should buy one here or wait until I return home. I really want to be able to capture the moments in my last few weeks here!

I begin week 12 today, which means I will be back to the US in 35 days! I can’t wait to see everyone, eat my American food, and drive! 🙂

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